Community Tags/Awards

Award Tag Burrito (Pt. 1)

I said I’d answer all the awards that I’m aware of in my 200 follower appreciation post – here comes the first wave! I thought about giving it a more generic name like “Award Tag Salad,” but then the salads I like don’t tend to have a lot of things in it (caprese being my favourite), so I went with burrito instead. I like burritos.


I’m just going to answer the questions this time around, so I’ll skip the rules altogether (I know, how dare I). Feel free to look at them by clicking the links to the award posts I was tagged in though! I linked all of them in this post.

Mystery Blogger

mystery blogger

This award was created by Okoto Enigma. This one’s from Matt over at Matt Doyle Media! (I know it was a long time ago, sorry about that) Matt has some really interesting questions:

What is the single greatest purchase you have ever made?

Hmm…great as in expensive? Or great as in wonderful? Oh, I know! I buy this fancy double-baked almond croissant to treat myself after I accomplish things worthy of rewarding myself for. At $5.3 CAD each (before tax), that stuff’s both expensive and unimaginably wonderful! Other than that, my greatest purchase would probably be student fees, though I don’t feel great making such purchases…

If you could have one song play as entrance music every time you entered a room, what would it be?

Hmm…I think of OSTs (I think people would soon ban me from entering rooms otherwise, if my music gets too obnoxious). The first one that came to mind is Kikyo’s OST from Inuyasha, for some reason. This would be very melodramatic in real life…

You are asked to paint an interpretation of the modern world. What would your painting look like?

Something with a lot of lines and geometric shapes. I’d put a person or two in there too, because I can never produce a drawing that doesn’t feature something alive. Maybe some tiny silhouette people lurking behind the lines and shapes. Don’t ask me why; it just feels right.

Favourite and least favourite genres of music?

I don’t really think about my favourite music in terms of genres. In terms of J-pop, I’m one of those people who ends up liking the theme songs of whatever anime they enjoy. I do generally enjoy neo-classical, Celtic, or even opera singing though! I have a lot of respect for people who sing pretty. As for least favourite…English pop? It’s only because I used to work as a cashier in a grocery store that was always playing radio music, and I just find those songs so brainwashingly repetitive with the choruses. See, even in J-pop, the lyrics in each chorus are always a bit different. Radio pop music is evil when I want to sleep but the same lines of lyrics just won’t go away…

You are turned into a popular anime character for one week, but it isn’t one that you’d like to be. Who have you turned into, and who would you have preferred to turn into?

I googled “top anime characters” due to my lack of ideas. One of the results that showed up first was Naruto, so let’s work with that. Being Naruto might be kind of nice, having clones and eating ramen and all of that. Which stage of Naruto though…that can sure impact the experience. If from the same anime, I’d much rather be – Orochimaru! Don’t ask me why, but I totally idolized Orochimaru when I watched Naruto as a kid. Wouldn’t it be fun being young for 50 years and having a ridiculously long tongue? You can use it like an extra limb, provided that you don’t mind having saliva over everything.

Unique Blogger

This one is from – thespookyredhead! Check out her blog if you haven’t; she makes the best listicles. Three questions – here we go!

If you meet someone (online or in person) who passionately hates your OTP, how would you handle a conversation in which you’re discussing your OPT with?

I’m not sure if I have an OTP, but I can still have strong opinions about certain ships. The conversation probably won’t last that long. I’ll just smile politely and let them say what they have to say (while condemning their inferior tastes in my head). I’ll have a long and pleasantly heated argument if it’s a close friend though~

If you could visit anywhere you wanted, where would you go and how long would you stay for (all practicality aside)?

I want to move inside one of my nicer dreams. Probably the kind involving lots of open space and random fantastical elements. Oh, there was one with a cool magician on top of a tower (who shoved me down the tower when I wasn’t looking). I would like to hang out with that guy again and ask him nicely why he did that. Probably not for forever though – I like certain things about my real life.

Samsung or Apple?

I’m cheap and I don’t use either! I have a Xiaomi now. If I must choose, I’d choose…Samsung? No justifications here though.

One Lovely Blog

Next up is this lovely award from Nicole at The BookWorm Drinketh! Ehh? No questions this time? I guess you get to hear 7 random things about myself!

  1. I have one younger brother who owns fish tanks. He likes to steal my stuff and use it as supplies for his fish tank (the ramekin I use for baking souffles got used as a container for fish food, and an incense burner was thrown into the tank for decoration). I threaten to pan-fry his angelfish when he does that.
  2. I sing in the shower. I’d sing all the time if I could, but I find that singing affects my productivity too much when I’m trying to get things done. So I limit it to shower time! It’s my daily therapy.
  3. I used to be obsessed with reading and memorizing Chinese poetry. I’m not sure how I managed, but I used to be able to recite 700-character ballads from memory. I read this stuff in classes during high school too. Perhaps this is due to my anxiety over losing my first language after being in Canada for too long.
  4. I get nosebleeds a lot, especially during the spring and summer. There was one time when I was watching Inuyasha in elementary school and my mom sat on the sofa with me. Naraku appeared and I happened to get a nosebleed. My mom: “I told you he’s the hottest character in this show – now you finally agree with me.”
  5. In the future, I would like to have three kids who are musical, artistically-inclined, and bilingual (can speak English and Mandarin fluently). Two girls and one boy would be ideal. I’ve got it all planned out…
  6. I enjoy airplane meals. I enjoy airplane rides in general.
  7. I’ve kept an imaginary world since I was 13, and there are two main residents there. Their names are Agyagya and Sheia. Sheia was electrocuted to death two years ago, and Agyagya is and isn’t around most of the time. I can easily picture what both of them look like, except for their constantly shifting hair colours. I was so invested in this world during my teenage years that I wasn’t sure if I daydreamed to make my life fuller or if I lived for the sake of daydreaming. I’m losing my ability to connect to it, but I kind of miss the feeling. The desire to get that feeling back is one of the reasons I try to lucid-dream.


Now then, I shall nominate people. If you get nominated, feel free to do any of the three awards! I will come up with 5 questions for you if you want to play (choose 3 if you’re doing the Unique option, I guess?)

I’ve nominated some of you before, but I wanted to have five because five is a pleasant number, and you all happen to be pleasant people. More award burritos coming up, so I gotta save some nominations for next time! Up to you if you feel like doing it. (I left my award tags there for over a month already, so I’m totally not someone to judge…)


  1. What is one controversial food that you actually like?
  2. Pancakes or waffles? Any specific type of pancakes/waffles?
  3. Favourite holiday food? (Any holiday, any meal!)
  4. What’s your coffee order? (If you don’t like coffee, feel free to list all the modifications you’d make to make your drink as un-coffee as possible.)
  5. What’s your opinion on the trendy macarons? (You can still have an opinion even if you haven’t tried them!)

Bonus question: what’s a nickname I can call you by?

30 thoughts on “Award Tag Burrito (Pt. 1)

  1. Congrats on the awards, once again! See this is why I love award posts, we get to know so much about our fellow bloggers; it’s amazing in it’s own way.

    It really was fun to read through your answers. And ofc, who doesn’t sings in shower? XD
    It’s like, our birthright!

    PS: I never had a burrito (._.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Ryuji!
      Shower-singing is the best thing! And you should try a burrito sometime! It’s actually pretty easy to make. I don’t have burritos often, to be honest, but I quite enjoy them.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Stuffed croissants are the best. Beaver tails are pretty great! Despite being Canadian, I haven’t actually purchased beaver tails from anywhere before…I’ve made them a few times though! I’d recommend trying it if you happen to be into baking.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I do like baking. Can’t say i’m any good at it, but I like trying. Cooking meals, no problem, baking pastries, it all goes wrong.
        Canada is one of the places that I’d love to visit but haven’t as yet. My last book seems to sell well there (though I put that down in part to it having a Chinese-Canadian lead), and I’m yet to meet a Canadian that I didn’t like, so a holiday there makes sense. I think Japan may be on our list first though.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh aye, I have a few books out more, so I’m slowly growing an audience in that regard.
        There are so many places I want to visit in Japan. The fox village is a bit one.
        That’s did look like quite an easy recipe, so thank you for that. Pan frying I can definitely do. I tend to fry a lot of ingredients in my side dishes. Failing that, I do have a small deep fryer.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. congrats on 200!
    and wow, an imaginary world. and it sounds like you put a lot of work and thought into it. xD good job. i have an imaginary roster of wrestlers I consider my dream team, but they change members every few years or so.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your imaginary world sounds intense…
      My imaginary world kind of just happened, I’m not entirely sure how. I did end up doing lots of research on random things to enrich it though.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on 200 followers!!!
    Also that croissant sounds so delicious! Now you’ve made my hungry…
Wow. That sounds super intense about the ballads… I feel like your ability deserves some major respect 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations in all the awards and more importantly in the 200 followers!!!! 😀 Really happy for you and I sense that you will get a lot more of both in the near future and you know what? You deserve them all xD

    Liked by 1 person

  5. English Pop is evil… Radio songs are radio songs for a reason. They brain worm their way into your soul and remain trapped there. There are so many songs that I know I hate that I find myself singing a log to just because EVERYONE KNOWS THE WORDS!! (I also like to sing all the time. Except, screw my productivity… I’ll do it all the time anyways. Especially at work where I can listen to my own music (much to my employee’s horror most of the time). I also have mandatory dance break! Lol! And you sound like my sister with your planned children! (she wanted 10 though! Lol!) I will stick with my 0 children. I have too many children at work to want any for myself!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol…I’m actually really horrible at distinguishing lyrics. You know those misheard lyrics people put on Youtube? That’s me without even trying…XD.
      I’ll stick with 3 kids, haha. I envy your workplace! What kind of job do you have?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m a manager at a video game store. Lol! It’s not as glamourous as it sounds. But, I make sure we have fun! (forced play time! Lol!) they don’t call me ‘beelzeboss’ for nothing! Lmao!!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Congrats on the awards!! 😊
    Burrito makes for a good name for these posts but it’ll probably make me hungry everytime I read it 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks for the nom moya! I’m not really taking any more that I’ve already done, but it still makes me feel bubbly inside to see my name.

    I love hearing about imaginary worlds that people create, I have quite the vivid imagination myself and for many years two of my best friends were figment of my imagination. Between me and my brother, we created an entire neighbor hood of children we could play with. Sadly, like you, my ability to interact with that world like i used to has dwindled. *sigh*

    I shall answer your bonus question for fun! You can call me Shaddow or cat if you want like some, but another nickname I would approve is Kitty, since my handle is inspired by the X-Men character.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I saw how many nominations you had and was kind of hesitant, but I felt like appreciating you nevertheless. No worries about not doing it!
      I love hearing about imaginary worlds of other people as well. It seems to come and go with age, doesn’t it.
      Thanks for answering my bonus question! Kitty is an adorable name~

      Liked by 1 person

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